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MURALS OF THE FUTURE is an interactive mural – performance – series. MURALS OF THE FUTURE deals with past, present and future of MURALISM and URBAN ART.

MURALS OF THE FUTURE is an interactive mural – performance – series. MURALS OF THE FUTURE deals with past, present and future of MURALISM and URBAN ART.

MURALS OF THE FUTURE is an interactive mural – performance – series.
MURALS OF THE FUTURE deals with past, present and future of MURALISM and URBAN ART.

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MOTF #10 „Esch Spotting“
21.04.2020 „KUFA‘S URBAN ART 2020“, ESCH-Alzette/Luxemburg

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MURALS OF THE FUTURE is an interactive mural – performance – series.
MURALS OF THE FUTURE deals with past, present and future of MURALISM and URBAN ART.

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